Friday, July 25, 2008

forget the great debate

All plans have changed now we are leaving this weekend. Scott's job is sending him to Myrtle Beach and we are all going. I just found out about this Yesterday so I have been running around trying to pack and tie up loose ends like where to put the puppy. We can't kennel him because he is too young to get his rabies shot and so none of the kennels will take him. We can't take him with us because the hotel that the company is providing for us to stay does not allow pets. We also had to do a little pre travel shopping for things like a travel sized can of shaving cream and some more powder makeup for me. I know I shouldn't have to buy that but I do. I am going to work on that someday. Anyway this is our route to Myrtle Beach. We are then going to Slade, Kentucky on the 7th of August for my family reunion and then on back home to NOLA on the 10th but that is a different map.

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