Sunday, July 13, 2008

Travel Websites.

Here are some of my favorite travel websites.

1. Anthony Bourdain's Blog - why? because he is awesome and for more on that see this post.
2. Lonely Planet - They make great guide books and their website has real substance and not just flash.
3. Metblogs - You might not think of this one as a travel site but if you are thinking of traveling somewhere or moving somewhere after you have checked prices this is the next stop find out what is going on at the ground level. What the people who live there do for fun and even drop them an email or comment to ask them what they recommend directly.

Ok that is all for right now. We shot and edited the podcast. I have to admit it isn't our best work but for a first podcast it will work and I have seen a lot worse. It will be up soon.


Craig (mars-hill) said...

I'm sad we didn't make your cut, but that's the way it goes, huh?

I'm interested to see your video podcasts -- we've just started up a new section on the Indie Travel Podcast too. It's been running for about a month so it'd be nice to cross promote a bit. Perhaps you could send us some clips?