Wednesday, August 6, 2008

one thing not to do in Myrtle Beach

Ok we just discovered one thing not to do in Myrtle Beach. Go to the Children's Museum. I do not know the situation that puts the Myrtle Beach Children's Museum in a strip mall next to Office Depot but I do know that the items they have inside are not worth paying the $7 per person charge to get in to see them. We come form a big city, New Orleans with a really great children's museum which is one of the few children's museums I have ever been to and definitely the only one I have been to repeatedly so I fully admit that I am not an expert on museums for the kiddies but I do know one thing very well. We pay $7.00 to see three floors of play area in New Orleans with a separate toddler room and here in Myrtle Beach we paid the same price for three rooms, no separated toddler area, old equipment and a bunch of sandboxes which although enjoyed by kids are a breading ground for germs especially when you have a bunch of kids playing in the same sand all day.

Now lets move on to the good stuff. Although I do not recommend spending your hard earned dollars at the Myrtle Beach Children's Museum just yet I do want to tell you to keep your eye on them. The Museum has a new facility in development and from the sketches I saw it looks like the new place will definitely be something you will want to check out. Before you go check out their website here.

I hate to tell people not to visit local museums but on this one I would wait for the new facility to be built and if you live in Myrtle Beach then by all means get out there and donate funds or time or whatever you have available to make your local children's museum all it can be.