Friday, November 14, 2008

This guy is awsome

I am talking about Rahm Emanuel. He was recently chosen as Barack Obama's White House Chief of Staff. He is the first political person I have actually had lots of fun looking up their history. The guy mailed someone a dead fish. That's right he sent a dead fish to a pollster who upset him. I personally would never send a dead fish to someone but that is the kind of spunk I like to see in a politician. I have heard he is a bit of a hard ass and according to Webster that means he is a tough, demanding, or uncompromising person. Now that might not be the kind of guy I would want to be best friends with but as long as at heart he is a good guy he is exactly what we need.

I am sure that since Obama picked him he must be a good guy. As I type that I wonder how I can think that since I do not know Obama and can not say for sure that he is a good guy. I guess I just hope, and that is the catch to the whole thing we all have to put our hope in something or someone sometimes.