Thursday, June 25, 2009

Domestic Postcards

In addition to the lot of postcards I receive from international destinations I also receive a few from right here in the United States of America. Each one reminds me time and again how many wonderful things we have right here in our own country. These are a few of those cards.

This one was sent to me through postcrossing from Maine (in case you haven't figured that out already). A little house that just screams out to tell it's story surrounded by Lupine flowers that bloom throughout Maine in the late Spring and Early Fall. If I were in Maine during this time of year I would probably drive right by this spot never even slowing down but that would be a shame. A good photo should show us these little things that we would otherwise miss and a good postcard is no different. This one succeeds for sure.

When I here "Santa Barbara" I think big city, traffic and crowds. In my mind Santa Barbara gets lumped in with L.A. but this postcard makes me think a little differently. One day I will have to visit Santa Barbara to set the record straight.