Monday, June 8, 2009

Great Outdoors Month

Did you know that June is Great Outdoors Month? Neither did I until I found the Great American Backyard Campout website. In case you can't make it out to an event for National Get Outdoors Day then maybe there is a campout near you on June 27th for the Great American Backyard Campout. If not then take a hint from the title of the day and set up a tent in your backyard, it's the ultimate staycation.

You can pick up a tent for about $100.00 at Walmart or for something a little more substantial check out your local sporting goods store, either way all you need to do is set it up in your backyard bring out you pillow and a blanket and have a great time. Kids love it and you will too. And for all of you out there who don't have kids at home let me tell you sleeping under the stars with the one I love is right near the top of my romantic things list.

If money is tight and you don't already have a tent then grab a couple sturdy sticks, a pack of hotdogs and a bag of marshmellows. Then build a small fire in the backyard. You can make a firering from some unused bricks or cenderblocks or if none of those are around dig a little trench around where you plan to guild your fire to make a barrier between the fire and the rest of the ground. Bring the loved ones outside for dinner over an open fire. It will be a great experience you won't soon forget.

After the Great American Backyard Campout is over keep up the great tradition of getting outside with Green Hour. Whose message is : Time spent in nature is part of a healthy childhood. The thought that by giving our children a "Green Hour" a day -- a bit of time for unstructured play and interaction with the natural world -- we can set them on the path toward physical, mental, and emotional well-being.