Saturday, June 13, 2009

Great Travel Blog

I'm always searching the Internet for great travel info and like minded individuals. Today I rediscovered the Our Crazy Travels blog from the same people who bring you the Indie Travel Podcast. I actually found their podcast before I came upon their blog a few months ago. The podcast is pretty informative though I find their blog to have a fresh and clean look to it that makes the information seem more accessible. I love that the authors of this blog can travel so much, they spend so much time on the road, traveling the world and experiencing all it has to offer. I am so jealous.
Another thing I really like about this blog that can sometimes be hard to find in this area of the world where we become lost in our own ego is the fact that if you skim through the categories on the right side of their blog you won't see a listing for the USA. that's right they travel all over and haven't made it to the USA yet. I love it! Turns out we aren't the center of the world. This blog is a refreshing look at the world for all of us over here in the United States. Plus it's full of tons of real traveler info for locales around the globe.

And Now...
Tip Today - In these times of the troubled Dollar, look for all inclusive packages, such as resorts or cruises and pay upfront in U.S. dollars.

Quote Today - "So much better to travel than to arrive." - Margaret Atwood

Dreaming Of - Traveling to Outer Space. The reality is close but is it close enough to happen in my lifetime? I'm still not sure about that.